Part Number M83-LFC1F1N60-0000-000 by Harwin Plc - Request a Quote

Part Number: M83-LFC1F1N60-0000-000 Manufacturer: Harwin Plc
Part Type : other connectors
Alternate P/N :  M83LFC1F1N600000000 Description: Datamate Mix Tek Connectors Female 60 Signal Conn Recept 2Mm 60Pos 24-28Awg Receptacle Female Socket 60 0.079"" (2.00Mm) 3 0.079"" (2.00Mm) Free Hanging (In-Line) - Crimp Discrete 24-28 Awg Jackscrews Gold 12¦In (0.30¦M) Black Bulk

Connector part number  M83-LFC1F1N60-0000-000 of part type  Other Connectors byHarwin Plc is in stock. Do you want an instant quote for connector Part Number M83-LFC1F1N60-0000-000? This connector is manufactured by Harwin Plc. The description for this part number is Datamate Mix Tek Connectors Female 60 Signal Conn Recept 2Mm 60Pos 24-28Awg Receptacle Female Socket 60 0.079"" (2.00Mm) 3 0.079"" (2.00Mm) Free Hanging (In-Line) - Crimp Discrete 24-28 Awg Jackscrews Gold 12¦In (0.30¦M) Black Bulk

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M83-LFC1F1N60-0000-000 Part Details

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Please fill the form above to get a competitive quote for part number M83-LFC1F1N60-0000-000  within 15 minutes by a friendly and knowledgeable sales executive. With 15 locations in the continental United States.

ASAP Buying, owned and operated by ASAP Semiconductor – a leading AS9120B, ISO 9001:2015, and FAA AC 0056B accredited company, serves customers from the civilian aviation to aerospace and defense industries. We stock a wide variety of electromechanical parts like part number  with a focus on connectors, including circular connectors, connector interconnects, PCB connectors, and connector adapters. You can source 15 million connectors from over 3000 industry- leading manufacturers including Harwin Plc.

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