Compression is a fundamental element of operations in many industries, where gasses or air are condensed to increase pressure, reduce volume, or both. Whether air is compressed to power an aircraft engine, drive industrial machinery, or perform other important roles, many applications rely on similar forms of technology to carry out the task. Among the primary devices used across industries are axial and centrifugal compressors, each offering unique design features and practical benefits that drive their popularity for varying needs. Understanding the differences between these two types of devices is crucial for selecting the right equipment, so read on as we cover their respective principles, designs, and practical uses.

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In the world of technology and automation, sensors and actuators play crucial roles in gathering information and executing actions. Overall, these hardware devices are essential components in various systems, ranging from industrial machinery to everyday consumer electronics. While both sensors and actuators contribute to the functionality of these systems, they serve different purposes and have distinct characteristics. In this article, we will delve into the dissimilarities between sensors and actuators, exploring their functions, types, and applications.
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Aircraft are made from millions of individual items, and as knowledge is key, it is best that pilots familiarize themselves with how various systems and assemblies function on board the vehicle. In particular, as the function of engine mechanics may only be briefly reviewed in rudimentary flight training, a pilot should still take the time to study various aircraft engines and the parts that construct them; in the future event regarding engine issues while in the air, this information can aid pilots in determining the best course of action.

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Aircraft corrosion is a persistent problem for aircraft operators. Corrosion deteriorates the aircraft structure and its internal components, making it dangerous to operate and expensive to repair. More than that, there is no real way of reversing the effects of corrosion, which can make aircraft inoperable in just a matter of years.

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Many aircraft feature propeller assemblies that are used to generate the thrust necessary for flight, and it can be highly beneficial to understand how such processes work. Just like the wings on each side of the fuselage, propellers operate on the principle of lift, manipulating the flow of air to adjust air pressure for forward propulsion. In this blog, we will discuss propellers in more detail, allowing you to have a better understanding of their functionality and the method in which thrust is produced.

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Aviation engineers are constantly looking for ways to push the envelope regarding aircraft design and technology. Clearly, much progress in aviation technology has been made over the past 100 years, but it was not without challenges. Since aviation is one of the most well-known high-reliability industries, every design change and invention is subject to considerable scrutiny. While noteworthy strides are being made in many domains of aviation engineering, this blog will focus on the challenges engineers face in designing the next generation of airframes.
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Automotive relays are switches that turn electrical circuits on and off. They come in different shapes, sizes, and can be found in cars, gas valves, alarm systems, and more. Relays are typically used to enable a low amperage circuit to switch a high amperage circuit on or off. Relays can also be used to switch multiple things at the same time with the use of one output. When a single output is connected to multiple relays, you are able to simultaneously open continuity and/or close continuity. In this blog, we will be covering how automotive relays work and their circuit design to better understand these helpful devices.

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In the world of aviation and aircraft safety, some things never change. Aircraft components and hardware are submitted to serious processing standards in order to ensure that aviation is safer and fuel efficient. Poor safety management in any aspect of air transportation can not only damage the aircraft itself, but result in the loss of valuable human life. While the wings, tail, body, landing gear, and engine are integral to the safety and function of the aircraft, for this blog we will be exploring the vital role that aircraft fasteners play in the area of aviation.

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From the recycling of decommissioned aircraft to the development of more green technologies, there have been many initiatives to decrease the environmental impact of aircraft operations across the globe. One major way in which operators seek to decrease their carbon footprint is through the use of more sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), those of which are known to be low in carbon. SAF fuels are typically manufactured with the use of renewable biomass and waste resources, allowing for similar performance as compared to petroleum-based jet fuel while effectively cutting down on greenhouse gas emissions. In this blog, we will discuss sustainable aviation fuels, allowing you to familiarize yourself with the various compounds and mixtures being used to mitigate carbon emissions from aircraft in operation.

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As the aviation industry continues its push towards carbon neutrality and eco-friendly operations, manufacturers across the globe are looking to find ways in which aircraft can take advantage of both hybrid and electric systems. While the global demand for commercial transportation maintains steady growth as the world becomes more interconnected, countries such as the United Kingdom have made pledges to reach carbon neutrality in the coming decades. As these environmental mandates continue to be proposed by various major parties of the global aviation industry, original equipment manufacturers (OEM) have begun initiatives to rethink the design of certain aspects of aircraft construction.

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In our modern society, we have become very dependent on a vast array of electronics. From the lights that illuminate our buildings to the cell phones that we communicate long distance with, there are many electronics that we rely on every day. In order for all electronics to properly provide us with the functionalities that we’ve grown to expect from them, they depend upon an assembly of wires, cables, and connectors that all work together to establish electrical circuits. To help you better understand how countless electronics are designed, we will discuss wires, cables, and connectors in more detail as well as provide a brief overview of their common types.

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full authority digital engine control (FADEC) is a system consisting of a digital computer, known as an electronic engine controller (EEC) or engine control unit (ECU), and its related components that control all aspects of an aircraft’s engine performance. FADECs are used in both piston and jet engines. In this blog, we will discuss FADEC’s functions and advantages in detail.

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Throttle hold is a flight mode for remote control (RC) aircraft. It is controlled by the throttle hold switch which, when activated, controls the throttle at a pre-set percentage of engine idle, regardless of the collective pitch stick position. It is used to practice autorotations, and as a safety measure to help prevent accidental spool up, wherein the rotors of the helicopter begin rotating unexpectedly. Throttle hold can also help minimize damage after a crash. In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of throttle hold.

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The thrust management system (TMS) is a part of the aircraft’s Flight Management System, and it allows for pilots to set computerized control over throttle. Similar to the cruise control systems commonly found in automobiles, such devices can increase the efficiency of flight operations for the benefit of pilots. Furthermore, such systems may also be advantageous for safety reasons as well, making them useful for pilots and aircraft. In this blog, we will discuss thrust management systems, allowing you to better understand how they are used and what functions they can provide. 

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The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted nearly every industry around the world. Aviation was no different, and, in fact, was one of the most harshly affected industries of all. Flights were canceled, traveled restrictions were imposed, and companies felt the effect. This has led to two main problems: a significant drop in fuel demand & fuel price, and the problem of storing all the grounded aircraft. Within the field of aviation, the jet fuel market has been by far the hardest hit. Although a vaccine is on the horizon, it is expected that the demand for jet fuel will remain low into the near future. As low demand for flights leaves many companies struggling to survive, the aviation jet fuel market could take years to recover....

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While aircraft contain a plethora of advanced technologies and systems that have made flight one of the safest methods of traveling by far, there are still incidents in which they face tragic accidents. Across most accidents that occur within the commercial aviation sector, a majority are due to human error. Human error can cause many types of accidents, ranging from a miscalculation by a pilot to incorrect directions provided by an air traffic controller. As one of the three primary causes of accidents, incorrect or poor aircraft maintenance can result in a variety of issues that can lead to dangerous situations. On top of presenting a safety risk, negligent maintenance can also cause delays, financial burdens, and other issues for the airline or aircraft operator. As such, being more on top of maintenance scheduling and ensuring that procedures are carried out correctly is paramount to the safety of an aircraft.

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As airports continue to pop up across the globe and the aviation industry expands, aircraft noise pollution remains an ever present problem for much of the worldwide population and wildlife. While the amount of noise that aircraft make has dramatically decreased over the past ten years, it still remains a pressing problem that the aerospace industry is hard at work to resolve. From changing flight management to creating newer technologies, there are many avenues that are being explored to assist in creating more quiet environments for the benefit of all. In this blog, we will discuss some of the major ways that the industry is combating noise pollution, allowing you to better understand the future projection of aircraft and aviation management.

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Since the advent of aircraft in 1903, an astounding number of innovations have been made to engines, performance, and more. While there are a number of aircraft that serve diverse applications ranging from civil to defense roles, many aircraft still utilize similar engines to generate propulsion. Across engine types, two of the most common engines are the radial and turbine engine, and each provides their own unique benefits that cater to varying needs. In this blog, we will provide an overview of the radial and turbine engine, as well as discuss their primary differences to allow you to have a better understanding of each engine type.

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Most people have used autopilot in a car and feel comfortable with using it. When discussing aircraft, however, many people might cringe at the thought of an aircraft pilot using autopilot. However, what many people do not know is that it is quite normal for technologically advanced planes, particularly bigger business aircraft to have an autopilot framework. Regardless of whether you're new to the mechanics behind autopilot frameworks, you're likely very much aware of the important reasons for pilots to choose to use an autopilot system. They do it to control the plane with practically zero requirement for human navigation. It's an inventive and convenient element that takes a portion of the weight off the pilots' shoulders. With the autopilot turned on, pilots can concentrate on different parts of the flight, for example, observing climate, direction and that's just the beginning. For more information on how the autopilot system works and how it benefits the pilot and cabin crew, read on below.

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Aluminum was once the primary material used in aerospace applications. However, in modern jet aircraft, it accounts for just 20% of the construction. However, because of the demand for lighter weight aircraft, composite materials such as carbon-reinforced polymers and honeycomb materials continue to increase in usage across the modern aerospace and aviation industries. Further requirements such as the need to withstand high temperatures, pressures, and corrosion have paved the way for other materials once considered impossible for use in aerospace. One such material is stainless steel, which has seen increased usage in newer aircraft components.This blog will explain uses of and differences between aluminum and stainless steel in modern aircraft.

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Electric airplanes could change the manner in which we travel. Along with a significant decrease of CO2, electric aircraft would also bring about a decrease in sound contamination, and with no requirement for air terminal runways, we'll see a lot increasingly downtown air terminals, combined with less flying limitations. Electric planes truly can possibly change the manner in which we work, travel, and live. For example, numerous individuals need to live in the open country, however are denied by an absence of business. Electric aviation would empower them to drive, by means of air, to neighborhood urban communities for work. Inside urban areas themselves, it would encourage short excursions utilizing 4-6 seat taxi planes – making it simple to rapidly make a trip from south to north London, or from San Francisco to Palo Alto, for instance.
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Aircraft hangars are just as common as aircraft themselves. Anywhere you see aircraft, odds are there is a hangar not too far away. Apart from storage, hangars serve a crucial purpose in the aviation industry: maintenance. Maintenance hangars differ significantly from a line or storage hangar. Traditional hangars have a simple function: to house aircraft safely and securely. On the other hand, maintenance hangars are broad, wide-open arenas with the lone purpose of conducting major maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) on aircraft....

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In our current day, much of our daily activities and livelihoods depend on electricity and electric technology. While many of these components are very beneficial to us, the electricity that powers them can be very volatile and dangerous. As electricity can damage components and harm people, it is important to implement protection to ensure that such occurrences can be avoided or prevented altogether. With insulating material, such protection can be achieved and is widely used across all types of electronics and components that interact with electricity...

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Landing gear is an integral part of any aircraft, and perhaps the most important part of landing gear is the struts. The struts are the piece of equipment that bears the brunt of the force an aircraft experiences when it touches back down on ground after flight. Struts ensure that even a rough landing doesn’t cause serious damage to your entire plane. There are four common types of landing gear struts: rigid struts, springs steel struts, bungee cord struts, and shock or oleo struts...

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The modern commercial aircraft is a grand sized, heavy vehicle that requires a tremendous amount of power to successfully transport passengers over long distances. Currently, the method in which aircraft are able to achieve efficient and sustained flight is through propulsion systems such as the gas turbine jet engine. With an engine and the various aircraft turbine engine components within, passenger planes are able to overcome the forces of gravity and provide the air travel that we know and rely on today. In this blog, we will discuss what a turbine engine is, and how the internal jet engine parts work together to provide thrust.

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Pneumatic systems are an apparatus that allows for the transmission and control of energy through the use of sealed, compressed air. They function similarly to hydraulic systems, using air in lieu of water. In regards to aircraft, pneumatic systems often aid with processes such as cabin pressurization, air conditioning, initiating main engines, pressurizing fuel tanks, and much more. While these systems have long served a multitude of commercial aircraft, new electric technology has begun to emerge, changing the playing field....

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Cosmic ionizing radiation is a form of ionizing radiation that comes from outer space. A very small amount of this radiation reaches the earth and at flight altitudes, passengers and crew members are exposed to higher levels of this radiation. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) inform the public that ionizing radiation may cause cancer in humans and is also known to cause reproductive problems such as miscarriages and birth defects.

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The nature of air travel means that aircraft have to be able to withstand a myriad of conditions both light and extreme. Something no aircraft wants to go up against is lightning, but air travelers expect a hassle-free experience, and delays or cancellations are only an option in the most extreme conditions. Lightning, while not ideal, is not necessarily cause for grounding an aircraft. Instead, aircraft manufacturers take measures to protect their machinery from the elements.....

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If you’ve ever boarded an airplane from outside the terminal via a ladder, you might have been close enough to see the engines of the plane. Upon closer inspection, you might notice that at the center of the engine point is a depiction of a spiral, which spins and eventually turns into a white spinning symbol once the engines start spinning at full speed. Sometimes the symbol doesn’t resemble a spiral, rather it looks like a comma, or a typhoon symbol, or even a wobbly crescent. Sometimes you’ll see that there is no symbol at the center of the spiral. But what significance do these symbols, if present, have?

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From takeoff to landing, all aircraft require some sort of electrical power for important functions such as navigation, intercoms, COM and NAV radios, and more. With in-flight entertainment and increasingly modernized systems, this need for electricity is ever more present. To get power, aircraft often use electric power generation through generators and alternators. Both of these systems produce power for the aircraft but differ in method, as well as have various benefits and drawbacks when compared to each other.

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The aircraft electrical system is a network of components that transmit, distribute, and store electrical energy. Most modern aircraft have a 28 volt direct current electrical system, which typically consists of a battery, the master switch, alternator, an ammeter and a loadmeter,. Through the electrical system, the aircraft’s taxi lights, landing lights, radio equipment, interior cabin lights and other equipment are supplied with power. For a detailed look at some of the important components and the roles they play, read below:

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In aviation, each piece of machinery has an important role. Parts need to be tough and dependable to put up with the rigors of air travel. However, no matter how well-crafted a piece is, it will eventually deteriorate. Connectors are fundamental to the successful operation of an aircraft. They are found in the airframe, cabin interior, navigation tools, and a variety of other important areas. Here are a few ways connectors fail and measures you can take to prevent it.

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Atmospheric density is a serious concern for weather, guiding wind patterns and rainfall, but it can also seriously affect flight conditions. Takeoff, climbing, and landing performances and parameters all change depending on atmospheric density, and failing to recognize these changes can lead to serious accidents. Thus, let’s take a look at what exactly density altitude using density indicator , and how it affects performance....

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Unlike car drivers, pilots don’t wait for the change oil light to pop up on the dashboard before they change the engine oil. On average, aircraft oil is changed after every 10 hours of flight time. When the time comes, there are a few key steps that should be followed so as not to cause damage to the engine....

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Many instruments exist for monitoring navigation and outside atmospheric conditions on aircraft. However, it’s just as vital to monitor the interior conditions of the aircraft, so aircraft mount numerous sensors to monitor their critical systems.

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From snow-capped mountains and forests of tall redwoods to scorching deserts and beautiful beaches, California is known for its beautiful and diverse landscapes. And while driving through them can be a fun experience, flying is truly the best way to see it all. But, once you’ve decided to travel by air, you’ve now got to choose how: fixed wing or rotary wing?

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Listed below are quick over views of 6 key components of a modern aircraft. The components mentioned in this article will be the wings, empennage, powerplant, landing gear, aircraft frame and fuselage. All of which are extremely important in making sure that the aircraft flies properly.

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An aircraft propeller is more complex than an individual would think. Surprisingly, propellers do not exist solely to move aircrafts, they have outside uses. There are several different types of aircraft propellers all varying in design and material. This article will discuss the similarities and differences between all the different propellers the world has to offer.

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In recent times, it is not very common to hear about Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) producing doubts over aircraft parts safety produced by companies complying to a FAA-issued Parts Manufacturing Approval (PMA). In the past, there was a time when OEMs looked down on PMA parts produced to compete with their products. Their comments usually focused on safety claims and abuse of OEM warranties.

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